
A specialist in the industry, AmeriCan Structures designs roofs using the latest software to maximize efficiency. Completely made-to-measure roofs can take on an unexpected scale to meet your needs for even the most grandiose of projects. For AmeriCan Structures, no project, be it residential or industrial, is out of reach.
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  • Loads applied in accordance with the Quebec building code, the Code national du bâtiment
  • Shop plans can be approved and sealed by a qualified engineer upon request



  • Different types of high-quality wood (S-P-F, SYP, etc.)
  • Roof trusses treated against fire (FRT) and termites



  • Roof trusses up to 13 ft. in height and 120 ft. in length
  • Wood membranes from 2 x 4 in. to 2 x 12 in.
  • Up to 80 feet in length



  • Installation plans provided
  • Coordination of mechanics threaded through the roof and the trusses
  • Possibility of providing the necessary stiffeners for assembly


Made in Canada
Quality - price ratio


Roof trusses and prefabricated roofs

AmeriCan Structures designs prefabricated roofs of unshakeable strength. Custom-built to meet the specific needs of each project, they are fully assembled in factory with roof trusses. Plywood or OSB panels are also installed in factory, ensuring remarkably efficient on-site installation. Thanks to a team of dedicated experts, AmeriCan Structures’ projects are completed on time and solid.

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